I was really hoping something epic would happen on 10/10/10, but, story of my life, nothing cool happened when I expected it. Stupid me.
Anyway, today, the 11th, I expected nothing. I get out of school at 10:21 and have to wait till 11:30 to pick up Nick. Today I decided to go get some chai at courthouse coffee to kill some time. I go in while I'm ready to keel over from lack of sleep. Everything is seemingly normal at this point. I walk out, and that's when it happens. I spot three elderly women staring at me and pointing from inside their vehicle. I walk on, pretending that nothing is happening when suddenly, one of the elderly women bounds from the car proclaiming "IS THAT MY EVIE?!?!"...
Obviously, my name is not Evie, and I was henceforth very confused. I turn around further and ask if she is talking to me, to which she responds by flailing her arms excitedly and running past me, but towards my CAR. Again, not me. My car. The lady I bought my 1997, rusty Dodge Stratus from was excited to see her old car around town. She proceeded to hug my car, and tell me how much she loved it and what a wonderful car it was for her. Needless to say, it is easy to get excited around this woman. I left the conversation with a deeper love and pride for my car. Thank you, kind stranger, for selling me your car, and then making me appreciate it. As well as flailing your arms obnoxiously just to make my day a little more unusual. Story of my life.
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