Monday, November 22, 2010

Learn From Your Mistakes Because Apparently I Don't.

Alright, I am about to admit something that a lot of you already know. But, here goes. I am an airhead sometimes. Sometimes I walk into rooms and forget why I'm there or what I intend to do, sometimes I run into things, (okay, a lot), and sometimes I forget majorly important tasks or events. But despite all these things, what I did this week takes the cake.

I am in a class at Grace called Foundations of Education. For this class we have to do 20 observation hours for one of our projects and I was at Warsaw Christian on Thursday (11/18) for my last day of observation. As I walked in, I realized I had left my keys in the ignition, not on, but in the ignition. With the doors locked. Ridiculously irritating. So I called my mom who was on her way to WC to sub at 12:30. She was coming, but did not have my key with her. Being the loving mother that she is, she went home during her lunch and got the keys for me :) Wonderful. I was set. And, this is where the fun begins. 

I am notorious for locking my keys in my car. So after my episode Thursday I gave myself a pep talk about being more responsible and freaking remembering my dang keys. So, on Friday when I got to school everything was good, I was exhausted from seeing Harry Potter at midnight that night, but school was fine. As I was walking out to my car, I tried to remember where I had put my keys. I started panicking when I couldn't feel them in my pockets so I checked my backpack. Also not there. Then, my heart dropped into my butt. I had left them in the ignition AGAIN. With the doors locked. AGAIN. So this time, I was screwed. I could not admit to my mom that I had done it again two days in a row. So this time I decided to call the Warsaw Police (I have them on speed dial now). They're nice guys most of the time, right? So the policeman comes and unlocks my car, tells me I should invest in a magnetic key that can stick to the outside for a spare, and drives off. I was overjoyed with not having to call my mom and beg for her help again. Phew! 

But, it gets better. I went to unlock all my doors so I could put my backpack in the back seat and drive over to WC again for a lunch I was helping with, but my automatic door unlock won't work. Weird? I put my backpack in the front seat and decided to let my dad look at it later. Then I realize the deadliest of the deadly during a time when you need to get somewhere quickly. I had left my lights on, and my battery was dead. BOO.

This time, I decided to humble myself and call my dad (still not mom, for fear of her wrath) to come pick me up and see if he could jump my car. He came to get me, and decided I would be late if he tried to jump it, so he took me to WC so I could help with lunch, and he drove back to the high school to try and jump my car. But alas, the batter was completely dead. My car sat in the high school parking lot until Saturday afternoon when my dad manually towed it to Walmart to have the battery completely replaced. The mechanics were not happy with little Eva because, what do you know (another inconvenience), the batter is not under the hood like normal cars, it is above one of the wheels in a wheel well. My car is so strange, (and I think she hates me, along with all other people.)

I don't think that day could have been any more crazy. Stupid car. Story of my life. 

Update: this is the car that will be taking my dad and I to California. Oh dear. 


  1. hahahahahahahahahah!
    I will not admit to you how many times, my senior year, i locked my keys in my very similar,grandma style car.:) And in Oregon, the Police dont unlock it for dad was SO annoyed. and I got not 1, but 2 magnetic boxes..and would use the keys out of them frequently, and forget to put the key to square one...i feel your pain. SERIOUSLY.

  2. hahahaha, OY. it is super irritating. one of the only good things about Warsaw..... the police have nothing better to do than unlock your car for you when you lock your keys in :)
