Monday, November 22, 2010

Learn From Your Mistakes Because Apparently I Don't.

Alright, I am about to admit something that a lot of you already know. But, here goes. I am an airhead sometimes. Sometimes I walk into rooms and forget why I'm there or what I intend to do, sometimes I run into things, (okay, a lot), and sometimes I forget majorly important tasks or events. But despite all these things, what I did this week takes the cake.

I am in a class at Grace called Foundations of Education. For this class we have to do 20 observation hours for one of our projects and I was at Warsaw Christian on Thursday (11/18) for my last day of observation. As I walked in, I realized I had left my keys in the ignition, not on, but in the ignition. With the doors locked. Ridiculously irritating. So I called my mom who was on her way to WC to sub at 12:30. She was coming, but did not have my key with her. Being the loving mother that she is, she went home during her lunch and got the keys for me :) Wonderful. I was set. And, this is where the fun begins. 

I am notorious for locking my keys in my car. So after my episode Thursday I gave myself a pep talk about being more responsible and freaking remembering my dang keys. So, on Friday when I got to school everything was good, I was exhausted from seeing Harry Potter at midnight that night, but school was fine. As I was walking out to my car, I tried to remember where I had put my keys. I started panicking when I couldn't feel them in my pockets so I checked my backpack. Also not there. Then, my heart dropped into my butt. I had left them in the ignition AGAIN. With the doors locked. AGAIN. So this time, I was screwed. I could not admit to my mom that I had done it again two days in a row. So this time I decided to call the Warsaw Police (I have them on speed dial now). They're nice guys most of the time, right? So the policeman comes and unlocks my car, tells me I should invest in a magnetic key that can stick to the outside for a spare, and drives off. I was overjoyed with not having to call my mom and beg for her help again. Phew! 

But, it gets better. I went to unlock all my doors so I could put my backpack in the back seat and drive over to WC again for a lunch I was helping with, but my automatic door unlock won't work. Weird? I put my backpack in the front seat and decided to let my dad look at it later. Then I realize the deadliest of the deadly during a time when you need to get somewhere quickly. I had left my lights on, and my battery was dead. BOO.

This time, I decided to humble myself and call my dad (still not mom, for fear of her wrath) to come pick me up and see if he could jump my car. He came to get me, and decided I would be late if he tried to jump it, so he took me to WC so I could help with lunch, and he drove back to the high school to try and jump my car. But alas, the batter was completely dead. My car sat in the high school parking lot until Saturday afternoon when my dad manually towed it to Walmart to have the battery completely replaced. The mechanics were not happy with little Eva because, what do you know (another inconvenience), the batter is not under the hood like normal cars, it is above one of the wheels in a wheel well. My car is so strange, (and I think she hates me, along with all other people.)

I don't think that day could have been any more crazy. Stupid car. Story of my life. 

Update: this is the car that will be taking my dad and I to California. Oh dear. 

Thursday, October 28, 2010


I love witnessing funny things that happen in the hallways and classrooms of Warsaw high school. Let's just say, if you are there, you will be disturbed, ashamed, pushed around, but most certainly not bored. Here is a brief list of some things I have seen and/or heard in the past few days.

A teacher fall into a wall in the hallway while wearing high heels and a skirt. Her body movement went something like this picture. Nothing was injured except her pride. Her face might have been a little sore as well.

An office assistant lady dove out of her office trying to catch someone before the person, I'm assuming her friend or colleague, was out of reach. Apparently it was an important message. She almost fell catching up to her, but once she did, she handed her a post-it note, and slapped her on the butt. 

I said this list was going to be very brief, so here is the last one I am going to write about... this happened today. Dear goodness.

In my econ class I sit next to two guys, Ryan and Kiefer. Kiefer asked Ryan if he could borrow a pencil, and Ryan gave him a piece of led. I decided to be nice and let him borrow one of my pencils because I had overheard his sad dilemma. I told him he could keep the pencil, and these were Ryan's words after what I said: "Kiefer, now don't leave this one at your house. People aren't just going to keep giving you pencils ya know. Oh, and don't accidentally eat it. Sometimes when I'm in class, I don't even realize, but sometimes I look down, and I'm accidentally eating my pencil. That's why I go through them so fast."

I would like to know.

Story of my life. 

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Nick's turn.

This time the story is only Nick's turn. :) Backstory: Nick takes care of Larry Everett's house in Winona Lake. Larry bought it for college students (or whoever) to rent while in WL. So, Nick (and my dad) are the maintenance men for this house. 

The other day Nick and my dad went over there to rake some leaves and clean the gutters and whatnot. Nick was raking some leaves in the backyard and decided it was time to be a ninja. He does so quite frequently. He started making "hi-yah" noises as well as flinging around his rake like some sort of ninja stick, his own words. As he was doing this, one of the girls that lives in the house walked up. Nick didn't realize this until she was right behind him. Snap.

He was uber embarassed, bummer. He turned his back to her and raked. Ever so quietly. Ha, poor poor fool. The girl walked inside, laughing hysterically. Obviously. I would have done the same. 

He never saw it coming.... Story of his life.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Let's Recap.

So, funny things did not start happening to Nick and I just because we started writing this blog. Funny things happened to us FAR before this blog was even a thought. So we're gonna tell you an old story... the time we came home from Akron, Ohio.

Whether or not you know anything about the states of Indiana or Ohio, it doesn't matter. What you should know is that from where we live in Indiana, it takes four hours to get to Akron, Ohio, and it should have taken four hours to get home. But it didn't take us four hours that day. It took nine. NINE. We left Akron at 3:00 and were expecting to get home around 7:30/8 including pitstops for bathroom/dinner. We got home at 11:45. Despite this dreadful mishap, we survived and are here to tell the tale. 

The evening before we left I looked up directions on mapquest. I knew generally how to get there, but I wanted to make sure I knew exactly what highways to take. Mapquest told me to take 77 to 71 to 30. Simple enough, right? WRONG. What I learned driving home is that 77 and 71 don't connect, but instead run parallel to each other. How the HECK was I supposed to a) know that, and b) get home?!

As Nick and I proceeded down 77 I started to panic, because I hadn't seen an exit for 71 yet. I just figured I had a ways to go and didn't think much about it. About an hour and a half later, I realized the mile markers for the state were WAY down from where they were before, and that there were mountains around. We were headed directly south. Oh snap. NOT good. I immediately called Todd Shoemaker to see where we were and to figure out how to get home. We found out that we were so far south that we were now directly east of Columbus, so Todd redirected us to Columbus so we could find our way home from there. 

Well, the trip east to Columbus took much longer than expected. Road construction BITES. So, we finally got to Columbus and I remembered I have my friend Gabi's wallet and water bottle in my trunk. She lives in Columbus. How convenient, right?! We decided to drop it off at a church where we knew she could get it the next day (long story, one that is not easily explained.) Anyway, we dropped off her stuff so we wouldn't have to mail it. 

On the way to the church we were on Polaris Parkway, quite a common street in the city of Columbus. So, we were cruisin down, knowing that I would have to turn left eventually. I stayed in the farthest left lane that was still a straight lane as long as possible. What I didn't know is that that lane would turn into a left turn lane. Sigh, annoying. So, we were in the very front of this newly developed left turn lane with a very long line of cars in the lane next to us and behind us. Then, I did to do what I had to do. I turned my blinker on and veered into the next lane while the light was still red. I looked at the guy who I would cut in front of when the light turned green and mouthed the phrase "I'm going to cut in front of you, is that okay?" and he mouthed back what I thought was "no problem!" So, the light turned green and I did just that. Except, he did not say "no problem!" he said something probably more like "absolutely not!" He was not happy. We veered in front of him, almost getting hit. He honked, a few times. Flipped us off, and drove angrily behind us. We got to the next light and it was red. He honked again. Dude. We got the point! It wasn't a wise decision, but we did what we had to do to survive!

We finally got to the church, and I swear we were only there for maybe fifteen minutes. We went to the bathroom and left. We got some gas for Eva at a gas station down the street, and then were on our way. Kinda. We made it to 270, the beltway that loops around the entire city of Columbus and thought we knew how to get home from there. FALSE. The only way I knew how to get home was to take 23 North to 30 West. Well, 23 North was closed, so instead of getting off and finding an alternative route, we circled the city of Columbus THREE times. Eventually, we FINALLY got a signal on our GPS and figured out a way to get home! We thought we were golden. (Sidenote: That three time loop around Columbus was VERY STRESSFUL. My dad hates it when people get lost probably more than anything in the world. Seriously. So, Nick and I lost in the state of Ohio (one he is very familiar with) = TK NOT HAPPY. Many phone calls with screaming and tears were made in that time... not fun.)

As soon as we figured out a way to get home (it was now 7 pm, wasting time from our getting lost AND circling Columbus) I realized I had to pee. Like, I very well might have died if I didn't go pee RIGHT then. We pulled off at the first exit available (conveniently very close) and there were two gas stations. Perfect. One of them had to have a bathroom! I pulled in to the closest gas station and waddled up to the door. I am greeted by a large posterboard sign that says "BATHROOMS CLOSED FOR RENOVATION"... are you pooping me?! I waddled back to the car, tears welling in my eyes and drove to the next gas station down. I hurried in and did not see a bathroom. Oh my lanta. I asked the guy behind the counter if there is a bathroom, and he said there was one around back. *thought process: hmm, is that sanitary? crap, who cares, I have to pee!!* So, I walked around to the back and opened the door. BAD CHOICE. I then entered the grossest bathroom I have ever seen in my entire life, and I have seen a lot of gross bathrooms. There was poo smeared on the walls, in the sink, pee crusted on the toilet seat, and a dead squirrel in the bathroom. *Who keeps a bathroom like this?!!?! bleh* I decided then and there that the unsanitary conditions were not enough to combat how badly I had to pee. I straddled the toilet seat, successfully not touching anything. And then, it happened. I fell.... FELL. As I was slipping, I grabbed the handicap bar next to the toilet in hopes that I wouldn't touch anything on the toilet with my buttox. Well, I did save my buttox, but my hand was now covered in newly discovered areas of fecal matter. I wanted to die. It was literally the grossest thing I think I have ever seen in my life. 

After that incident, Nick and I toured the entire state of Ohio making it back north (thank you GPS), and finally made it to 30 West. Once we were there we were home free. We recapped what had happened during the day, and laughed until we cried. Days like this don't just happen to everyday, ordinary people. We must be something else... Story of our lives. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Spiders are gross.

I went over to my grandparents house today with Nick to find a vintage chair my friend wants to use for senior pictures this coming week. (Sidenote: I am excited for those.) I walked all through their 4 story house looking for this single pink chair. After scaling the two main floors Nick decided it would be logical to look for it in the basement, especially because they don't use it so of course it would be in storage. So I walked down there and started opening the billion and one closets they have storage type stuff in. I got to the end of their basement hallway and began to open the last closet door only to find my face covered in spider web. GROSS. That is definitely one of the grossest feelings ever. It was in my eyelashes, my hair, I could feel it over my nose when I took a breath. GROSS! Nick laughed at me, histerically might I add. Anyway, I proceed to look in this closet again (I figured I had already obliterated whatever grossness could be in the closet) and got MORE spider crap all over me. The chair was NOT in the last closet door, and I left with no vintage chair as well as covered in spider web. 
The spider saga does not end there. As I began to head up the stairs, still trying to rid myself of the gross web, I felt something crawling on my stomach. I was immediately engulfed in panic. I looked, and nothing was there. I started to believe I'm either:
a) going crazy or 
b) paranoid from the spider incident. 
Nick chose option A, but he's a jerk, so ignore him. 

I felt the crawling again. So I looked, and there it was. The spider. It had crawled and/or fallen down my shirt when I got caught in it's web. EWW. I was paralyzed with disgust and fear. I started flailing my body ridiculously with hopes of flinging the spider to the floor and squishing it. This trivial episode took a solid 10 minutes. Sidenote: Nick stood there the whole time and laughed. 

This is why I have decided that spider are in fact, GROSS. The end!

Monday, October 11, 2010


I was really hoping something epic would happen on 10/10/10, but, story of my life, nothing cool happened when I expected it. Stupid me. 

Anyway, today, the 11th, I expected nothing. I get out of school at 10:21 and have to wait till 11:30 to pick up Nick. Today I decided to go get some chai at courthouse coffee to kill some time. I go in while I'm ready to keel over from lack of sleep. Everything is seemingly normal at this point. I walk out, and that's when it happens. I spot three elderly women staring at me and pointing from inside their vehicle. I walk on, pretending that nothing is happening when suddenly, one of the elderly women bounds from the car proclaiming "IS THAT MY EVIE?!?!"... 
Obviously, my name is not Evie, and I was henceforth very confused. I turn around further and ask if she is talking to me, to which she responds by flailing her arms excitedly and running past me, but towards my CAR. Again, not me. My car. The lady I bought my 1997, rusty Dodge Stratus from was excited to see her old car around town. She proceeded to hug my car, and tell me how much she loved it and what a wonderful car it was for her. Needless to say, it is easy to get excited around this woman. I left the conversation with a deeper love and pride for my car. Thank you, kind stranger, for selling me your car, and then making me appreciate it. As well as flailing your arms obnoxiously just to make my day a little more unusual. Story of my life.

This is happening.

We are Bekah and Nick Kurtaneck. We are normal, everyday students that enjoy normal, everyday student things. We are not super extraordinary people, nor do we participate in seemingly extraordinary things. What we DO accomplish is this: turning normal, everday situations into something absolutely ridiculous that almost no one believes. We are here to tell you that, contrary to popular belief, these things DO happen to us, and our stories ARE real. All of them, 100%. Take it as you wish, but our lives are crazy. All the time. Enjoy, the Story of Our Lives. Seriously.