Saturday, October 23, 2010

Nick's turn.

This time the story is only Nick's turn. :) Backstory: Nick takes care of Larry Everett's house in Winona Lake. Larry bought it for college students (or whoever) to rent while in WL. So, Nick (and my dad) are the maintenance men for this house. 

The other day Nick and my dad went over there to rake some leaves and clean the gutters and whatnot. Nick was raking some leaves in the backyard and decided it was time to be a ninja. He does so quite frequently. He started making "hi-yah" noises as well as flinging around his rake like some sort of ninja stick, his own words. As he was doing this, one of the girls that lives in the house walked up. Nick didn't realize this until she was right behind him. Snap.

He was uber embarassed, bummer. He turned his back to her and raked. Ever so quietly. Ha, poor poor fool. The girl walked inside, laughing hysterically. Obviously. I would have done the same. 

He never saw it coming.... Story of his life.

1 comment:

  1. No worries, Nick. There are some girls out there that really dig ninjas!
